Tuesday, December 28, 2010


If you ever listen to Moody radio around 8 pm on a weeknight you'll probably be hearing Walk in the Word with Dr. James McDonald. Well, a few months ago he was doing a series called "Seven Words to Change Your Family" Word number three was honor. As in honor thy father and mother. Well he challenged his listeners to not only write a tribute but speak it alound infront of people. At the time I thought the idea sounded silly and it would never be something I could do. Then months later I marvel at how my parents help me in every way that they can. I'm thinking to myself, how can I ever repay them? Well, I don't think I can repay them but the least I could do is let them know how much they mean to me. So, I wrote a tribute and read it alound in front of our immediate family at our Christmas Eve gathering. And now I would like to share it with you.

Tribute to my Father and Mother

God is the number one most important thing in my life.
Family is the second.
My husband, who completes me.
My son, who is a part of me.
My sister, who understands me.
and my parents, who made me.

Exodus chapter 20 verse 12 is the fifth commandment.

Honor thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth the.

How do I begin to honor you? Where would I be without you? Who would I be without you?

You have loved me and protected me and tried to steer me in the right direction, although I have often resisted and went my own way, you still love me.

When I was younger I thought unconditional love meant that you had to be happy with whatever choices I made. That to truly love me you had to accept all of my decisions however wrong they may be. Now I realize that your love is unconditional because you love me despite the bad decisions I have made.

You have given me life, not once but twice. You stood by me when I was sick and refused to give up faith. Then you nursed me back to health. You have turned your lives upside down to take care of me and even now you are still there for me. You not only help me but yhou hlep my family as well. You are a constant love.

These words alone cannot express how much you mean to me or how much I appreciate and love you but I hope it gives you an idea.

Love always,

Becky Susanne Altman

Okay so this is what I read to my parents. It cannot even begin to sum up how wonderful they are. I pray for Jesus to teach me how to be a good parent. I want to bring up Lukas so that he knows the Lord. Maybe he won't make the mistakes I made, maybe he will, but I want him to know the Lord and know that God will always be there for him. All he need to do is seek his will. If you're parents brought you up knowing the Lord, thank them. If they took care of you at all, thank them. Parenting isn't easy, and I've only been one for 16 months. I wish that everyone could know the Lord and feel the love that he gives us. Thank you Jesus for your love and for giving me such wonderful parents who love you and showed me your love.

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