Friday, December 3, 2010


We constantly hear that Jesus died on the cross so that we may be forgiven of our sins.
What does that mean? I think that most people don't really think about it. Either they don't care, think it doesn't apply to them or just take it for granted that they can do what they want because we have a loving forgiving God.

I feel blessed because God showed me in a big way what it means to be forgiven.

Before I got sick I was not living the life God wanted for me. My junior year of college I made every bad decision I could. I tried every drug I could get my hands on. I did not care about the consequences. I was thinking only about myself. One bad decision led to another and another until I ended up married to someone who also only cared about drugs and alchohol. He wasn't a Christain and I thought surely I would change him, even though I myself was certainly not acting like a Christain at that time. Money was tight, times were tough, although I didn't realize it because it's hard to see the reality of things when you are high all the time.

Moving to Vermont seemed like the answer to all our problems. Away from the judgement of my family, free to do whatever we wanted.

Ofcourse running away is never the answer. Especially when you are running farther away from Christ.

How blessed are we though? That God is full of Grace. That Christ died on the cross for our sins. I may have been running but God was with me every step of the way. He was watching after me. I credit part of this to my family because I know they were praying for me. I know they were asking God to protect me.

Getting sick was the biggest blessing God could give me. He brought me home to Him and He brought me home to my family.

Oh there is so much more to be said and so much left out. I pray that the right people read this. The ones who need it. I trust the Lord will bring those that he sees fit.

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